New in Backoffice: The Itemized Dual Volume Estimation Report  

Run your business efficiently and effectively!

You asked, we delivered. The Itemized Dual Volume Estimation Report is finally live in your Backoffice! 

What’s New? 

  • Access every successful referral made in your organization 
  • View the allocated Dual Team Volume for every successful referral 
  • Filter, save, or download your report(s) 

This report offers enhanced visibility on the allocation of your Dual Team Volume. 
It not only enables you to view the data of the current month, but also the previous one as well. 


For the current month 
While the month is still ongoing, you see the virtual real-time successfully referred transaction bonus volumes that are allocated to your left and right legs in your Dual Team structure. 
Keep in mind, the data shown is an estimation until the final bonus calculation for that particular month is over. 

For the previous month 
Since the dual volume information in the widgets of the Backoffice’s dashboard are reset to zero every month, it is now possible for you to view the previous month’s successfully referred transaction bonus volume, simply by selecting your criteria through the filter options provided. 

We are continuously striving to enhance the tools and resources you have available to you in your Backoffice, so keep your eyes peeled for the next round of enhancements coming soon!